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Community Support

At HealthTexas, supporting local charities and giving back to the communities we serve is part of our mission. Our providers and associates feel a sense of compassion and pride when we give back and support local non-profit charities and business chambers. When our patients and communities benefit from the knowledge, education and service we are able to work together for the common good.

HealthTexas Volunteer Corps

Making a Difference Together:

At HealthTexas, we believe in the power of community and the impact of collective efforts. That’s why we’ve established the HealthTexas Volunteer Corps, a dedicated group of volunteers within our organization who are passionate about community service and volunteerism.

Who We Are:

The HealthTexas Volunteer Corps comprises a dedicated group of individuals who are more than just volunteers — they are medical providers and associates within HealthTexas. From physicians to clinical staff and administration, our volunteers come from diverse roles within our organization. United by a shared commitment to service, they bring their expertise and compassion to every volunteer opportunity.

Why We Volunteer:

Volunteering is integral to our identity, reflecting our commitment to compassion, integrity, stewardship, and synergy. It’s not just what we do; it’s a reflection of who we are. We understand that genuine well-being extends beyond medical care—it encompasses creating a supportive environment where everyone can thrive. Through volunteering our time and skills, we aim to ignite a ripple effect of positivity, enriching the lives of those who need it most.